This page contains full list of street services, for both PSGA and non-PSGA members.
Some of the below services for the following groups are now accessed via the GeoPlace services site:
- members of the Public Sector GeoSpatial Agreement (PSGA)
- local authorities
- statutory undertakers
- contractors
External Link
Services website
At the services site, GeoPlace provides a number of services for members of the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement, local authorities, statutory undertakers and contractors.

FindMyStreet will show you every street that’s recorded in the National Street Gazetteer. The service will tell you where a street can be found, what its official name is, and who’s responsible for maintaining that street.
All the street data collected by local highway authorities, presented as an API in a Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Mapping Service (WMS).
Register for street services
Register to access NSG services. Complete the form and a member of the team will be in touch if necessary
Access OS MasterMap® Highways Network
Find and more about OS MasterMap® Highways and how to access it from the Ordnance Survey website
Find a street works register
Find street works near you. The Streetworks Signposting Service has been designed to assist the Department for Transport to fulfil a requirement to make streetworks information more accessible for the general public and other interested parties. Clicking a link opens a new tab
Street works performance scorecards
The Highways Authority & Utilities Committee (HAUC(UK)) produces a performance scorecard, once every quarter, to show how streetworks have been progressing.
Access our knowledge and expertise
We can work with your organisation to provide tailored consultation and help with your data.
INSPIRE compliant street data
Download NSG data in an INSPIRE compliant format
View SWA codes
Download the SWA data capture code list for use in the street works noticing process
Update your PRN and classifications
Update your Primary Route Network and classifications information
Download street data
Download National Street Gazetteer data for a variety of geographical areas
Changes to roads classification and the PRN
To allow local authorities to submit updates to their classified network
Street works lane rental charges
Guidance for English local highway authorities on developing proposals to operate a lane rental scheme. Guidance changed so that surplus lane rental revenue can be spent on ‘repairing pot holes caused by utility street works'.
Guidance on Street Works Act codes
Department for Transport (DfT) guidance on the administration, maintenance, allocation and hosting of the SWA codes.
Upload your data
Upload street data, ASD data and Operation District (OD) files to the National hub
Address and street search tool available to members of the Public Sector GeoSpatial Agreement (PSGA) for data in England and Wales.
Contact us
Whether you want to find out more about our services, or you need the Custodian's Helpdesk, find our details here