Permit scheme preparation document
JAG (UK) and GeoPlace have released joint guidance for Street Custodians, to explain what’s needed to run an effective Permit scheme. This guidance has recently been updated to include feedback from active schemes
Developing and varying Permit Schemes
The Secretary of State for Transport has produced an advice note on developing new Permit schemes. This makes it important to inform GeoPlace when Permit schemes are being planned – in particular, updates to the LSG and ETON 6 OD files are vital.
Street Manager and street works permit scheme changes
Local authorities and statutory undertakes must now use the Street Manager digital service for planning and managing street and road works
Congestion busting scheme rolled out to benefit drivers
Long traffic jams caused by roadworks could be a thing of the past as a scheme which has already significantly reduced delays in Kent and London is rolled out nationwide.
NSG underpins lane rental scheme to bust congestion
The Department for Transport has announced that long traffic jams caused by roadworks could be a thing of the past as a scheme which has already significantly reduced delays in Kent and London is rolled out nationwide.
Future of lane rental schemes for roadworks
Government consultation. This document contains a summary of the responses received to the consultation and the government’s decision about the future for lane rental schemes
Further Resources
Traffic Sensitivity Guidance
This guidance note provides information on the definition, role and value of Traffic Sensitive Streets. It will also focus on how and why Traffic Sensitive Streets should be reviewed and how to ensure they keep up to date.

Permit Scheme Case Study
Leeds Permit Scheme
Permit schemes make processes significantly more robust, organised and will provide better relationships across the utilities sector. We encourage you to read this case study on Leeds, which explores the benefits and methods they used.

How we can help you
Working with us
Moving to a Lane Rental Scheme
We have successfully introduced and evaluated permit schemes meaning we have the experience and knowhow to help authorities to move to a Lane Rental Scheme.

Implementation and Evaluation
Permit Scheme - Implementation
The Joint Authorities Group (JAG(UK)) works on behalf of local authorities to promote excellence in road network and traffic management right across the UK. With the support of GeoPlace, the NSG, and other partners, JAG(UK) has put together a comprehensive package to help you prepare, consult on and implement a permit scheme for your authority.