The source of the Application Cross Reference. An external dataset that is linked to or provides a source of ACI.
Issued by GeoPlace to all district, county and Unitary councils in England and Wales. It provides a legally binding agreement between the parties to support the creation and maintenance of GeoPlace databases (particularly related to address and street information for England and Wales and address information for Scotland through separate agreements).
DCA Participating Authority address information supplied to GeoPlace.
A map maintained by a Surveying Authority providing details of certain Public Rights of Way.
Section 48 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
The Surveying Authority's legal record of Public Rights of Way.
Highways Act 1980
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
The government department responsible for the transport network. The DfT works with its agencies and partners to support the transport network that helps the UK's businesses and gets people and goods travelling around the country.
A lower tier level of local government in England, below a County and above a parish. An authority that does have an SNN (Street Naming and Numbering) Authority function but does not have a Local Highway Authority function.
The operational district responsible for maintaining a street.