The Street Naming and Numbering function is delivered under statute by local authorities in England and Wales. All local authorities should have a policy for approving and recording decisions about street names and property numbering in line with the local authority’s constitution. Decisions may require a committee or cabinet to formally approve all street name decisions or the decision may be delegated to an officer of the local authority.
The Street Naming and Numbering function forms part of a much wider function both within the local authority and also as part of a long established national data infrastructure project. This involves every local authority in England and Wales, GeoPlace, Ordnance Survey, Local Government Association and other public sector bodies. The property lifecycle is of vital interest to all these bodies for a variety of reasons including service delivery; emergency services provision; planning and service projections.
To support this function and to share best practice, GeoPlace and the Street Naming and Numbering working group have produced a Code of Practice. Several sections are of particular interest to Managers of this service area and signposted below.
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Role and responsibilities of a SNN Officer
This section presents the minimum broad responsibilities of a SNN Officer but is not exhaustive and is subject to local variation
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Links with other authority functions
The SNN function has important links to other functions within the authority. This section outlines these important links
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Legal responsibilities
The legislative context of the function, depending on the authority type. This overview presents a list of the responsibilities under the various relevant laws which then translate through to local governance requirements on the local authority. TheIt gives a legislative context of the function, depending on the authority type.
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Complaints procedures
Complaints, depending on their nature, should follow the standard complaint procedure for the Council. Responding to the complaint will be simplified by following good practice as covered in the Code of Practice. For example, ensuring the SNN policy is clear and up to date; covering local polices on topics such as naming streets after people; charging; the decision making process and consultation policy.
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