The Street Naming and Numbering (SNN) Officer is the first point of contact in a local authority for:
- the allocation of house numbers or names and street names to new developments and property conversions
- the re-naming and re-numbering of properties and streets where they deem necessary.
SNN Officers carry out a whole range of duties – all designed to adhere to street naming and numbering legislation. These duties are essential for the efficient functioning of postal and emergency services as well as for the convenience and safety of the general public.
In order to support this vital function within local authorities,
GeoPlace have developed a series of key resources. In addition, our Knowledge Hub Group brings together an active community of fellow SNN officers who support and share best practice with one another
External Link
Street Naming and Numbering Code of Practice
The purpose of the Code of Practice is to provide a practical manual for Street Naming and Numbering (SNN) Officers in local authorities.

speak with us on:
020 7630 4600
Email Holly Westwood, our SNN liaison manager:
[email protected]
Holly Westwood
SNN Local Authority Liason Manager
I am a Local Authority Liaison Manager at GeoPlace with a focus on supporting local authorities with change intelligence and best practices in street naming and numbering, ensuring the accuracy and quality of geographic data. I'm here to help, so feel free to reach out!
Further resources
Street Naming and Numbering
SNN best practice
Working closely with representatives from local authorities, we provide technical guidance to councils on the collection of street and address information.

Street Naming and Numbering
Examples of SNN policy
Examples of different policies from a number of local authorities

street naming and numbering
SNN resources
Case studies and resources from the SNN working group