The National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) can now be produced to the format required by the European Union (EU) INSPIRE Directive directly from the central NLPG hub. This will significantly reduce the burden on local government who would otherwise have to provide this information individually.
The EU is creating a consistent framework for sharing information about the environment across European countries through the INSPIRE Directive. This includes a wide range of information from addresses; administrative units, environmentally protected areas, to atmospheric conditions and land use. This information can be used by any government department across Europe to enable strategic planning and service delivery for a variety of uses including emergency planning; flooding and transport planning, regeneration and sustainable economic development, local service planning.
Local government is at the cutting edge of this policy development as authorities already compile the statutory local address and street information into the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG).
NLPG data conforms to British Standard 7666:2006 and this has enabled the Hub to easily generate data in INSPIRE compliant format as a subset of the NLPG data. It also ensures the continuation of an output of the full NLPG, which is of business critical importance across local government.
"The NLPG hub was always designed to enable fast and easy access to data and is the perfect platform for Local Authorities to meet their address data obligations under INSPIRE. It is also easier for users wanting address data in England and Wales to obtain it in the INSPIRE format from one source rather than from the 348 authorities individually" said Michael Nicholson, Managing Director of Intelligent Addressing.
Defra are the lead government department, responsible for the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive through the Location Programme. The Improvement and Development Agency coordinate the NLPG activity across English and Welsh local authorities. Intelligent Addressing Ltd manage the national NLPG hub.
27th January 2010
The INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe (INSPIRE) Directive aims to create an EU spatial data infrastructure for the purposes of environmental policy making. The spatial information considered under the directive is extensive and includes a great variety of topical and technical themes of which address data is one. The established standards will enable users to identify and access spatial or geographical information from a wide range of sources across Europe, for a variety of applications including:
- Location and exploitation of natural resources - minerals, soils, vegetation, landscape
- Viewing and analysis of networks - transport, water, energy and telecoms
- Location and distribution of businesses, assets, new developments, services and other built infrastructure
- Coordination of responses to emergencies, natural and man made disasters - floods, epidemics and terrorism
- Location and access of public services