Recipients of the Award are nominated by their colleagues across England and Wales, and rewards those who have made a significant contribution to the Address and/or Streets data community.
The Award was presented at the GeoPlace annual conference and presentation of the Exemplar Awards 2015 which celebrate excellence in service delivery enabled through local government address and street information.
GeoPlace is the centre of excellence for the management of spatial address information and street data for Great Britain, and manages the National Street Gazetteer (NSG) which contains information about streets from every local authority in England and Wales.
In presenting the Award, Richard Mason, Managing Director of GeoPlace thanked Glenn for his "enormous contribution to our community over many years". Richard also said that "Glenn has chaired the Yorkshire and Humber LSG Regional Custodians since August 2006 and his region is consistently one of the best performing regions within the country."
"For 8 of the 9 years he has also been the Chair of the Regional Chairs group representing the street gazetteers community at a national level and has been involved in a number of national projects representing the gazetteer community. Glenn is a strong supporter of the gazetteers process and has worked tirelessly in improving the national dataset which GeoPlace manages on the LA's behalf, he is always happy to assist and advise anyone in improving their gazetteers. His depth of knowledge on any aspect gazetteers documentation is immense".
Richard concluded the presentation to Glenn by saying "The whole community owes Glenn a debt of gratitude due to the hard work and effort he has put into improving the Gazetteers over the previous 9 years, and we hope that this award will go some way to show Glenn how vital his contribution has been in making the gazetteers what they are today."
In presenting the Award to Pauline, Richard Mason said; "Pauline is a highly valued member of the NLPG Data Entry Conventions Technical Working Group. She is a reliable and dedicated long standing member the group and has for many years provided valuable input into discussions around the Data Entry Conventions for LLPG officers. She brings humour and insight to a sometimes dry and murky subject matter."
"Pauline has been there right from the beginning and has been the 'Surrey' representative on the DEC working group and the Chairs group for a number of years. We certainly wouldn't have the standards across the county that we have without her input and we've continued to rely on her over the years to organise and host meetings, put our point across to the powers that be, and to be a fountain of knowledge on the data and on the systems that a lot of us are using."