GeoPlace has launched a new website.
The website integrates content formerly on the NLPG and NSG websites into one GeoPlace website, making it easier to navigate and find the information that you need.
You'll find an extended Helpdesk section with loads of support tips, FAQs and a library which holds all GeoPlace technical documentation and case studies, each item categorised and tagged to direct you to the information you require easily.
You can also access existing NLPG and NSG data services from the new site, such as Address (NLPG) search and Download NSG data. These are all signposted from the address services page and the streets services page, as well as the GeoPlace home page. When using these services, you will re-directed back to the appropriate address and NSG websites, but in due course these services will also be transferred to the GeoPlace site.
We hope that you like the new site and are able to find all of the information that you need quickly and easily, but if you have any questions or difficulties, please contact [email protected]