Addresses are essential to locate needs and demands to deliver local public services. This new GeoPlace publication, which was produced in association with the LGA, is a high level 4 page brochure aimed at introducing addressing in a simple, not technical way.
It outlines how the use of address data can enable authorities to;
- create efficiency savings and save money though providing more accurately targeted and joined up services
- improvements in the quality of council tax and non-domestic rate records
- improved electoral register records
- better coordination of information to and from citizens ensuring they get the correct services to the correct location at the correct time
- knowing where your customers are and which public services they are using
- supporting departmental back office systems such as CRM and online services
- create efficiency savings by maintaining one corporate address database which serves all departments rather than separate silos of address information
- supporting evidence based decision making
- improved partnership working between organisations at a local level.