All councils have an incredible pool of data at their disposal
On its own, the data in your systems is limited and only really of value to the service that collected it. But by linking the data, via this location information, you can increase the efficiency of processes as well as gain more insight about your residents and business, in order to target resources more effectively.
The LGA facilitated a webinar on 7th December 2023. Speakers included:
- Juliet Whitworth, Head of Research and Information, Local Government Association
- Peter Fleming OBE, former Leader, Sevenoaks District Council and former Chair, LGA's Improvement and Innovation Board
- Dr Catherine Howe, Chief Executive, Adur and Worthing District Councils
- Nick Chapallaz, Managing Director, GeoPlace
Below are a series of resources designed to support your data journey.
How to...
Derive efficiencies and insight from the data you didn’t know you had
All councils have an incredible pool of data at their disposal. Find a series of resources designed to support your data journey.

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7 December 2023