GeoPlace hosted a session at DataConnect, alongside the Local Government Association (LGA) called ‘a roadmap for digital and data with land and property’ on Wednesday 28th September 2022. Find out more about DataConnect.
The UK Government Roadmap for Digital and Data 2022 - 2025 sets out Mission 3: Transforming for a digital future: a roadmap for digital and data with land and property data.
Data management is the most important part of modern government and its most intractable limitation. Public services are only as good as the data that powers them. A digital future needs a consistent, joined up evidence base to underpin decision making.
Access to authoritative and dynamically updated information about people, land and property, businesses and assets is essential for a government that is connected and engaged with addressing the wellbeing and resilience of people and place right across the UK.
Reducing duplication, automating manual processes, joining together disparate datasets to reveal insights will save billions of pounds, foster innovation and enable public services to be transformed to achieve the right outcomes.
This session will discuss the need for open standards and ‘key registers’ for critical data assets such as land and property information to support a cross-cutting, functional model for government. It will outline the value of a consistent, joined up evidence base to underpin all decisions around land and property, and service delivery to people at places. After all, everything happens somewhere.
This session will last for 45 minutes and is aimed at Chief Data Officers, CDIOs and others involved in delivering the government’s 2022-25 Roadmap for Digital and Data. Speakers will include the Managing Director of GeoPlace and the Local Government Association.
Nick Chapallaz, Managing Director, GeoPlace and Juliet Whitworth, Research and Information Manager, Local Government Association
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GeoPlace and the Local Government Association (LGA) ran a session at DataConnect called ‘a roadmap for digital and data with land and property’