09.00 - 10.00
Registration, refreshments, exhibition, networking
10.00 - 10.05
Welcome from the Convention Chair
David Capon, Co-Chair, HAUC(UK)
10.05 - 11.20
Road to Net Zero
10.05 Introduction - Road to Net Zero
- David Capon, Co-Chair at HAUC(UK)
10.10 The Challenge for the power sector
- Mark Shaw, Electricity Distribution Transformation Lead, National Grid
10.25 The Climate Cost: The challenge for the water industry
- Aman Grover, Climate Change & Carbon Policy Manager, Water UK
10.40 The Race of a Lifetime on the Road to Net Zero
- Laura Alexander-Webber, Lane Rental Manager, Transport for London and project sponsor
10.55 Barriers to Change in the Public Sector
- Luke Keen, Head of Highways Network Management, Birmingham City Council
11.10 Panel discussion - Road to Net Zero
11.20 - 11.40
Refreshments, exhibition and networking.
Refreshment break sponsored by 1Streetworks
- Presentation by Andrew Fennell, Managing Director, Roads, 1Spatial
11.40 - 11.55
A word from our sponsor
11.40 A word from our headline sponsor
Symology: A New Dawn
- Mike Bartlett, Managing Director, Symology
11.55 - 12.45
The Safety Challenge
11.55 The Safety Challenge
Making it better for those who need help
- Gary Hawkins, Street Works Specialist, Cadent Gas
12.15 Changing the Code - changing our habits
- Tom Lambert, National Street Works Manager, Morrison Water Division
- Phil Cameron, Traffic Manager, Gloucestershire County Council and Non-Executive Director, JAG(UK)
12.30 Panel discussion - The Safety Challenge
12.45 - 13.45
Lunch, exhibition and networking
Lunch sponsored by Skewb
- Presentation by Vincent Nwana, Skewb
13.45 - 14.45
The infrastructure race
13.45 Welcome to afternoon session
- Clive Bairsto, Co-Chair, HAUC(UK)
13.50 The Infrastructure Race
- Tony Hemingway, Network Monitoring Manager, Transport for Greater Manchester
- Jonathan Weeks, Service Manager, Street Works, Somerset County Council
- Ashleigh Braund, Sales Director, Connected Kerb
14.35 Panel discussion - The Infrastructure Race
- Including Matthew Jezzard, Surrey Lane Rental
14.45 - 15.05
Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Refreshment break sponsored by Aggregate Industries - Express Asphalt
- Presentation by Gary Brennand, Aggregate
15.05 - 15.45
The role of data in defining legislation, guidance and delivery
15.05 The role of data in defining legislation, guidance and delivery
- Kevin Hamilton, Scottish Road Works Commissioner, The Office for the Scottish Road Works Commissioner
- Stephen Thorp, NUAR Strategy Lead, Geospatial Commission
- Roy Leach, Director - Business Navigators Ltd, (Sponsored by Wales & West Utilities), representing DataMapWales (Wales Infrastructure Data Hub)
15.35 Panel discussion - The role of data in defining legislation, guidance and delivery
15.45 - 16.00
What Should HAUC(UK) do next?
Clive Bairsto
15.45 What should HAUC(UK) do next?
- Clive Bairsto, Co-Chair, HAUC(UK)
15.55 Conclusions and direction for HAUC(UK) over the next 12 months
- HAUC(UK) Co-chair
16.00 Prize draw and networking
HAUC(UK) Convention Agenda
Convention agenda 2022
Watch talks, and view the speakers and topics over the 2 days