08.30 - 09.30
Arrival and registration
Collect your badge from the front desk then head upstairs to visit the exhibitors and catch up with colleagues before the convention starts.
08.30 - 09.30
Arrival and registration
09.30 - 09.40
Welcome to the Convention
- Clive Bairsto, Co-Chair HAUC(UK)
09.30 - 09.40
Welcome to the Convention
09.40 - 10.30
From vision to action: turning ideas into practice
9.35 - Address from Lilian Greenwood MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Minister for Future of Roads
9.40 - Innovations to Transform Subsurface Engineering – from Vision to Reality
- Professor Chris Rogers, Director, Centre for Future Infrastructure and Cities, University of Birmingham
9.55 - Our Vision for 2030 – shaping the future of road and street works
- Clive Bairsto, Co-Chair HAUC(UK)
A closer look at two pillars: ‘Technology, innovation, data & decision-making’ and ‘Community’
- Chris Powell, Street Works Specialist, City Fibre
- Alexandra Akitici, Streetworks Manager, Skewb
10.20 - NUAR: from vision to reality
- Chris Chambers, Deputy Director, Geospatial Commission, Department for Science, Innovation & Technology
09.40 - 10.30
From vision to action: turning ideas into practice
9.40 - Keynote Speaker
- Professor Chris Rogers, Director, Centre for Future Infrastructure and Cities, University of Birmingham
Our common workspace is the street corridor: the shared space that accommodates the ‘urban metabolism’ – all the flows into, around and out of places. These spaces have immense value, both above and below the surface. Engineering within the street corridor is therefore an immense responsibility. All of us are stakeholders – both professionally and personally as members of the travelling public and residents – and thus engineering in the street corridor must aim to meet our professional and personal visions, both now and in the future. This responsibility demands that we deploy current technologies, materials and operational protocols most effectively.
However, this responsibility extends to continually seeking improvements, and therefore embracing innovations wherever they emerge. This presentation will focus on emerging thinking on subsurface engineering and emerging technologies associated with street works, which in different ways impact very considerably the ‘urban metabolism’ – economically, socially and environmentally. Avoiding trenching by enabling greater use of trenchless technologies (Road to Net Zero optioning tool), introducing pervasive pipeline condition assessment and maintenance using autonomous robots (Pipebots, and potentially Fixbots) and the ability to proof test new innovations in a controlled environment prior to practical deployment (in the National Buried Infrastructure Facility) provide routes to achieving our collective visions.
9.55 - Our Vision for 2030 – shaping the future of road and street works
- Clive Bairsto, Co-Chair HAUC(UK)
A closer look at two pillars: ‘Technology, innovation, data & decision-making’ and ‘Community’
- Chris Powell, Street Works Specialist, City Fibre
- Alexandra Akitici, Streetworks Manager, Skewb
The Community Pillar has developed a vision addressing Recruitment, Skills & Training, Road Worker Abuse, and Accessibility & Inclusion. This session will focus on Accessibility & Inclusion within street works, highlighting lived experience and the urgent need for change. While sites may comply with legislation, they often remain inaccessible, creating safety risks and psychological stress for the people wo are navigating the site. By raising awareness and working together, we can implement reasonable adjustments to ensure inclusivity across our worksites. This presentation will explore practical steps to drive positive change, making street works more accessible for all members of society.
10.20 - NUAR: from vision to reality
- Chris Chambers, Programme Director, Government Digital Service
Chris will talk through how the National Underground Asset Register has gone from vision to reality over the last 5 years. He will share the biggest obstacles that have been overcome, and the lessons learned by him and the team through delivery of this Government Major Projects Portfolio digital transformation programme. While the obstacles encountered were specific, the lessons learned are universally applicable and will provide delegates with essential strategies for ensuring the success of any project.
10.30 - 11.05
10.30 Lane Rental: Innovate to Collaborate
- James Smith, Head of Product Management, Symology, Refreshment sponsor
10.35 Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Have some refreshments (thanks to Symology), visit the exhibitors and catch up with colleagues.
10.30 - 11.05
10.30 Lane Rental: Innovate to Collaborate
- James Smith, Head of Product Management, Symology, Refreshment sponsor
Lane rental demands a new era of collaboration and efficiency. Symology's Aurora is not just adapting, it's leading the way, empowering utilities and highway authorities to seamlessly navigate this new landscape. With immediate visibility of lane rental streets, actionable scheduling insights, and proactive identification of collaboration opportunities, Aurora is transforming complex data into a strategic advantage, setting the standard for street works management in the age of lane rental.
10.35 Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Have some refreshments (thanks to Symology), visit the exhibitors and catch up with colleagues.
11.05 - 12.30
Decision making and data
11.05 - A new approach to safety; decision-making with risk assessments
- Joanne Lagan, Senior Network Planner - NRSWA, National Highways
11.15 - Using lane rental funds, the application process - present & future
- Matthew Jezzard, Traffic & Streetworks Manager, representing Surrey County Council Lane Rental Governance Committee
- Allan Pike, Lane Rental Manager, representing West Sussex County Council Lane Rental Governance Committee
11.25 - HAUC(UK) innovation: our communications and data in the street works industry
- Julie Payne, HAUC(UK) Communications Manager
- Hazel Kamuriwo, Associate Product Manager, GeoPlace
- Tamsin Fulton, Business Development Manager, GeoPlace
11.40 - Designing the future of street works: AI enabled innovation
- Andrew Fenell, Managing Director, 1Streetworks
11.45 - Decision making and data Q&A panel session
- Joanne Lagan, Senior Network Planner - NRSWA, National Highways
- Matthew Jezzard, Traffic & Streetworks Manager, Surrey County Council
- Allan Pike, Lane Rental Manager, West Sussex County Council
- Hazel Kamuriwo, Associate Product Manager, GeoPlace
- Tamsin Fulton, Business Development Manager, GeoPlace
- Julie Payne, HAUC(UK) Communications Manager
- Andrew Fennell, Managing Director, 1Streetworks
12.00 Less presence, more progress: efficiency gains in traffic management
An opportunity to hear from our headline sponsor
- Ben Parsons, Business Development Director, SRL Traffic Systems Ltd - Headline convention sponsor
12.15 Cross nation data sharing, exploring commonalities
- Janet Chapman, Technical Manager, Streetworks Policy, Thames Water
- Kevin Hamilton, Scottish Road Works Commissioner, The Office for the Scottish Road Works Commissioner
- Gail Davies, Network Occupancy, South Wales Trunk Road Agents/ Asiant Cefnffyrdd De Cymru
11.05 - 12.30
Decision making and data
11.05 - A new approach to safety; decision-making with risk assessments
- Joanne Lagan, Senior Network Planner, Highways England
11.15 - Using lane rental funds, the application process - present & future
- Matthew Jezzard, Traffic & Streetworks Manager, representing Surrey County Council Lane Rental Governance Committee
- Allan Pike, Lane Rental Manager, representing West Sussex County Council Lane Rental Governance Committee
Highway authorities who apply to the DfT to operate Lane Rental schemes are obliged to put suitable governance arrangements in place for the allocation of scheme surplus funds. Surrey CC and West Sussex CC have been operating Lane Rental schemes since 1st April 2021 and 1st December 2022 respectively. We’ll explain the processes in place to support applications from inception to the review of the delivered project. We’ll also look ahead to the future of governance arrangements for Lane Rental Funds and the impact more schemes will have on the street works industry.
11.25 - HAUC(UK) innovation: our communications and data in the street works industry
- Julie Payne, HAUC(UK) Communications Manager
- Hazel Kamuriwo, Associate Product Manager, GeoPlace
- Tamsin Fulton, Business Development Manager, GeoPlace
11.40 - Designing the future of street works: AI enabled innovation
- Andrew Fenell, Managing Director, 1Streetworks
11.45 - Decision making and data Q&A panel session
- Matthew Jezzard, Traffic & Streetworks Manager, Surrey County Council
- Allan Pike, Lane Rental Manager, West Sussex County Council
- Hazel Kamuriwo, Associate Product Manager, GeoPlace
- Tamsin Fulton, Business Development Manager, GeoPlace
- Julie Payne, HAUC(UK) Communications Manager
- Andrew Fennell, Managing Director, 1Streetworks
12.00 Less presence, more progress: efficiency gains in traffic management
An opportunity to hear from our headline sponsor
- Ben Parsons, Business Development Director, SRL Traffic Systems Ltd - Headline convention sponsor
This presentation explores the environmental and economic advantages of transitioning to intelligent, remote temporary traffic control, with a focus on permit NCT08b. Current manual systems face high costs, human resource shortages, safety risks, and inefficiencies. By leveraging automated technology, these challenges can be mitigated, enabling smoother traffic flow, reduced emissions, and cost savings. Insights from local authorities highlight the feasibility and regulatory considerations for implementing such systems. Remote control solutions offer a safer, more efficient approach to traffic management, benefiting both the environment and the economy while addressing limitations in traditional, human-operated methods.
12.15 Cross nation data sharing, exploring commonalities
- Janet Chapman, Technical Manager, Streetworks Policy, Thames Water
- Kevin Hamilton, Scottish Road Works Commissioner, The Office for the Scottish Road Works Commissioner
- Gail Davies, Network Occupancy, South Wales Trunk Road Agents/ Asiant Cefnffyrdd De Cymru
12.30 - 13.30
12.30 A word from our lunch sponsor Skewb
- Indu Seshadri, Co-founder and Director of Business Services, Skewb
12.35 Lunch, exhibition and networking.
Have some lunch (thanks to Skewb), visit the exhibitors and catch up with colleagues.
12.30 - 13.30
13.30 - 14.15
Policy into action informed by data
13.30 Welcome to afternoon session
- Sam Guiver, JAG(UK) Chair and Co-Chair of HAUC(UK)
13.35 From Policy to Impact: Harnessing D-TRO to Transform TTRO Management
- Eliza Shaw, Product Manager, Causeway
13.45 Wales: DataMap Wales
- David Denner, Highways Technology Manager at Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
13.55 Scotland: Integration to the Scottish road works register
- Fiona McInnes, NRSWA Technical Leader, Scottish Water
14.05 England: What's next for Street Manager?
- Paul Chandler, Head of Traffic Management Digital Services, Traffic & Technology Division, Department for Transport
13.30 - 14.15
Policy into action informed by data
14.15 - 14.50
14.15 A word from our refreshment sponsor, Aggregate
Investing in Innovation
- Simon Wycherley, Express Asphalt Director, Aggregate Industries
14.20 Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Have some refreshments (thanks to Aggregate),visit the exhibitors and catch up with colleagues
14.15 - 14.50
14.15 Investing in Innovation
- Simon Wycherley, Express Asphalt Director, Aggregate Industries - Refreshment sponsor
Innovative research programs have recently been central to a project aimed at enhancing product durability and contributing to the circular economy. In collaboration with Sapphire Utility Solutions and Nottingham University, we conducted a three-month trial using advanced, unconventional testing methods. The goal was to reduce the permeability of standard asphalt in the most cost-effective way, improving its longevity and performance.
The trial results have led to the development of a more durable 6mm and 10mm surface course with better compaction and a reduced risk of failure.
14.20 Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Have some refreshments (thanks to Aggregate),visit the exhibitors and catch up with colleagues
14.50 - 15.25
14.50 - Reflecting on 10 years in the street works industry
- Anthony Ferguson, Head of Traffic & Technology, Department for Transport
14.50 - Policy update
- Sally Kendall, Head of Street Works Policy, Department for Transport
- Ben Beachell, Standards and Streetworks Engineer, Welsh Government
15.00 - Policy into action Q&A panel session
- David Denner, Highways Technology Manager at Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
- Fiona McInnes, NRSWA Technical Leader, Scottish Water
- Ben Beachell, Standards and Streetworks Engineer, Welsh Government
- Paul Chandler, Head of Traffic Management Digital Services, Traffic & Technology Division, Department for Transport
- Sally Kendall, Head of Street Works Policy, Department for Transport
14.50 - 15.25
15.25 - 16.00
15.20 - Conclusions
Summary of the day’s discussions and a look ahead to what the next 12 months hold for the HAUC community
- Sam Guiver, JAG(UK) Chair and Co-Chair of HAUC(UK)
Prize draw: Those remaining in the audience will be eligible for entry in the prize draw.
15.30 - Welcome to the post-drinks reception
- Mark Sunderland, Business Development Director, Depotnet
15.30 - 16.00 Refreshments and networking
- Catch up with colleagues over complimentary drinks, sponsored by Depotnet, before you leave.
15.25 - 16.00
External Link
Register for the convention
Register as a delegate for the HAUC(UK) Convention.