09.00 - 09.45
Conference portal opens with networking
09.00 - 09.45
Conference portal opens with networking
09.45 - 10.00
Welcome and introduction to the conference
- Nick Chapallaz, Managing Director, GeoPlace
09.45 - 10.00
Welcome and introduction to the conference
10.00 - 10.55
Session 1: Property, housing and risk
Location, location, location data: improving housing and property
The property sector is constantly responding to new opportunities and challenges. Climate change, population, upgrades to infrastructure – there’s an appetite for using location data that will improve our quality of life.
In the UK’s property sector, location data informs planning, construction, purchasing, retrofitting, and ongoing use. In the future, more intuitive use of location data should reduce risks, build in efficiencies, and enable better decision-making across the sector.
- Lawrence Hopper, Deputy Director for Digital Products and Delivery, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Mitigating risk
- Katie Ward, Head of GeoRisk, Royal Sun Alliance
RSA is one of the world’s longest-serving general insurance companies. Addresses and geography is at the core of RSA ‘s business. We need to know where our customers are located so we can price their risk accurately and provide them with support and help in their times of need. RSA licence AddressBase Premium and it is used in multiple systems across RSA to allow us to support our customers. This session will highlight the importance of accurate, and up to date, address data and geocodes in order to allow RSA to write business and deliver on our promise to our customers.
A golden thread for social housing
- Jenny Danson, Proptech Innovation Network Director
- Michael Connell, Associate Data Analyst, Riverside Housing Group
Jenny Danson and Michael Connell will show us how the UPRN enables success for providers working in or with social housing. This will include the means to derive improved compliance, moving towards net zero, and the ability to secure more benefits for tenants – everything from better health and well-being, to social services and improved deliveries.
Panel session questions and answers
10.00 - 10.55
Session 1: Property, housing and risk
10.55 - 11.00
Introduction to the conference sponsors
10.55 - 11.00
Introduction to the conference sponsors
11.00 - 11.15
Networking break - visit the virtual meeting rooms
11.00 - 11.15
Networking break - visit the virtual meeting rooms
11.15 - 12.15
Session 2: Climate change – improving our progress
Connected, we're better
- Laura Alexander-Webber, Lane Rental Manager, Transport for London
Utilising data more effectively allows for greater collaboration, support network management duties and even help our transition to net zero. In part this is about linking datasets and setting the right context for making choices. With hectic modern lifestyles never has geospatial data been more important in allowing us to quickly understand what is happening, where something is located and the possible impact it might have. The more we know upfront, the more we can do and the better decisions we can make in managing and modernising our networks.
Data Sharing for More Dynamic Energy Networks
- Adam Bain, Whole System Development Manager (DSO), Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks
Adam will be showing us how data sharing can reveal key information, which may unlock the potential to revitalise our energy network. By working closely and data-sharing to deliver a richer, more insightful Local Area Energy Plan, strategic investment can be identified – investment that encourages the uptake of low carbon technologies. However, there are challenges. Adam will look at standards, basic principles, and frameworks for exchanging common data sets that help to solve these problems.
The importance of data in managing and mitigating climate change
- Jo Wall, Senior Strategy Director - Climate, Local Partnerships
There are two key elements to tackling climate change; the need to reduce emissions and the need to adapt to a changing climate. These challenges are both huge – so breaking them down into manageable and understandable chunks is important. It is critical that we act at scale and pace and data is key to doing that, whether it is vehicle routing, providing EV charging infrastructure or mapping climate vulnerabilities to design solutions which work for local communities.
Panel session questions and answers
11.15 - 12.15
Session 2: Climate change – improving our progress
12.15 - 13.00
Networking break - visit the virtual meeting rooms
12.15 - 13.00
Networking break - visit the virtual meeting rooms
13.00 - 14.00
Session 3: Household energy - developing data driven insights to inform policy
Greater address accuracy, better results
- Iain Hale, Development Manager, Delivery & Schemes, OFGEM
Iain will take us through Ofgem’s transition from Royal Mail’s PAF to OS Places. The Delivery and Schemes Digital Development Team manages various renewable energy schemes on behalf of the government, such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) and Energy Company Obligation (ECO) – all of which benefit when addressing is accurate. A reliable and maintainable address management solution is key, and Ian will be explaining how the UPRN within OS Places has also improved reporting and fraud prevention.
Decarbonising the building stock: using address level data to understand the route to Net Zero in the built environment
- Will Rivers, Senior Manager, Programmes & Innovation at The Carbon Trust
Net Zero is an ambitious target, and Will will show how the London Borough of Lambeth has used address level data to identify viable options for all the buildings in the Borough. The Carbon Trust developed profiles for 60,000 buildings, then assessed the options for retrofits – everything from improved energy efficiency and insulation, to renewable and low carbon technologies like heat pumps. We’ll see how the Borough compared heat networks with individual building-level solutions, and explore the scale of change required to reach Net Zero by 2050.
Hounslow and the energy crisis: developing data driven insights to inform policy response
- Ejaz Hussain, Lead Data Scientist and Dr Simon Hayes, Information Analyst, London Borough of Hounslow
Using data rich insights, Hounslow Council is targeting intervention to support residents in fuel poverty and understand the likely impact of energy prices on households across income and energy performance tiers. UPRNs were used to link datasets such as EPCs, council tax data and household income data to understand the impact of raising energy prices and target support more effectively. The research also created several real-world applications such as locating Warm Spaces, targeted mailings on assistance schemes, the health team’s vaccination campaign and the best locations for the council’s Cost of Living Marketplace Roadshow where advice was given on money, skills, training and wellbeing. Going forwards, the team will assess how well the interventions worked and how many households were helped as a result.
Panel session questions and answers
13.00 - 14.00
Session 3: Household energy - developing data driven insights to inform policy
14.00 - 14.15
Networking break - visit the virtual meeting rooms
14.00 - 14.15
Networking break - visit the virtual meeting rooms
14.15 - 15.30
Session 4: Protecting our population, improving health
Using UPRNs to Transform Health
- James Lockyer, NHS England
NHS England has been using UPRNs as an enabler to provide insights into population health management and health inequalities. The FDP will be an enabler that will provide tools and capability to provide these insights and help connect to sub national research.
How the UPRN saved lives: a story of vaccinating for COVID
- Rob Shaw, Head of Forecasting, Analytical Services, Data, Analysis & Intelligence Service, NHS England
Rob will summarise the impact of a project at NHS England that used secure address matching to attach the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) to each registered patient. After pseudonymisation, it was used to infer a household type for each person. Linkage to data on COVID vaccination enabled us to identify individual and neighbourhood characteristics, including household type, that were associated with vaccine uptake but without risk of disclosure. The impact of these characteristics will be summarised in the presentation
Powerful health research and better place-based care
- Dr Gill Harper, Honorary post-doctoral Research Fellow in Health data Science, Clinical Effectiveness Group, Wolfson Institute of Population Health, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London - Watch Gill's presentation again here
Dr Gill Harper will be presenting ‘ASSIGN’ - an algorithm that links UPRNs with primary care health records, enabling the accurate analysis of large health datasets at household level. This is a joint initiative between the Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG), Queen Mary University of London and Endeavour Health Charity – using human pattern recognition to match data in patient health records with UPRNs in AddressBase Premium. The work ensures transferable data integrity to other information sources, such as property information and local authority data. It also makes it possible to link de-identified data on people who share a household – and we’ll see that, among the outcomes, are better insights around the impact of household overcrowding; the ability to model household vulnerability and childhood obesity; and insights about preventable infectious diseases.
The use of location data to improve health security
- Dr Nick Watkins, Deputy Director – Data Science & Geospatial and Chief Data Scientist, UK Health Security Agency - Watch Nick's presentation again here
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is responsible for protecting every member of every community from the impact of infectious diseases, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents and other health threats. The UKHSA provides intellectual, scientific and operational leadership at national and local level, as well as on the global stage, in line with our mission to make the nation health secure. Geospatial capability is critical to preventing, detecting and responding to National and International health security threats. Nick will describe how the UKHSA’s Geospatial Team delivers expertise in enterprise geospatial platforms, data visualisation and analytics to support an all-hazards approach to health security.
Panel session questions and answers - Watch the panel session again here
Read the summary review of the session here
14.15 - 15.30
Session 4: Protecting our population, improving health
15.30 - 15.45
Close of Day 1 with networking
15.30 - 15.45
Close of Day 1 with networking
09.00 - 09.45
Conference portal opens with networking
09.00 - 09.45
Conference portal opens with networking
09.45 - 10.00
Welcome and introduction
- Nick Chapallaz, Managing Director, GeoPlace
09.45 - 10.00
Welcome and introduction
10.00 - 10.45
Session 1: Transformation needs data
Transformation needs data
- Peter Fleming, former Leader, Sevenoaks District Council
- Mark Lumley, Director of ICT & Digital, London Borough of Hounslow and Vice President for Socitm’s Responsible use of technologies and data’ policy theme
Panel session questions and answers
- Watch the panel session again here
10.00 - 10.45
Session 1: Transformation needs data
10.45 - 11.00
Networking break – visit the virtual meeting rooms
10.45 - 11.00
Networking break – visit the virtual meeting rooms
11.00 - 12.15
Session 2: Street Naming & Numbering and the lifecycle of streets & addresses
Lifecycle data – its value for us all
- Steve Brandwood - Executive Director of Engagement, GeoPlace
Some factors act as triggers for a huge range of public services. Things like planning approvals, construction status and completion, Street Naming and Numbering and demolitions. In this session, we will explain how this data can be a vital source of valuable intelligence – not only for local authority services, but also users of address and street products. We’ll provide updates on projects that aim to identify and set standards for lifecycle triggers and present the tools and guidance that Custodians can use to increase consistency of approach across the community
Street lifecycle data
- Marisa Hayes – Local Authority Liaison Manager, GeoPlace
Street Naming and Numbering Code of Practice
- Zoë Britt – Head of Local Authority Engagement, GeoPlace
Addresses and Business Transformation at the VOA
- Heather Whicker – Director of Information Data and Analysis, Valuation Office Agency
VOA data is having a makeover. Transforming a decades old system has challenges, such as working within legislation which pre-dates recent data standards. VOA’s digital and data transformation is based around an impressive data model and will include state of the art geospatial tools. Just as importantly, VOA’s data designers have thought long and hard about the addressing pain points of legacy systems, and have made great strides to improve consistency. It will be a big improvement for our customers and, while not every problem will be solved straight away, the new platform will set us on a path of future improvements
Current data flows and processes supporting the exchange of data between local authorities and VOA
The VOA are in the early stages of a Business Systems Transformation involving updates to several major systems including their central property database. GeoPlace are working with VOA to understand these proposed changes to data management and how changes to workflows and data exchange could be optimised in future. To support this work, GeoPlace initiated a pilot project in October last year with a small group of local authorities to review the current processes and data models that underpin the flow of data between local authorities and VOA. This talk will present the findings and recommended solutions from this project
11.00 - 12.15
Session 2: Street Naming & Numbering and the lifecycle of streets & addresses
12.15 - 13.00
Networking break – visit the virtual meeting rooms
12.15 - 13.00
Networking break – visit the virtual meeting rooms
13.00 - 14.00
Session 3: Products & services to help local government
Vital data for local government: an update from Ordnance Survey
- Rob Langford, Senior Technical Relationship Consultant, Ordnance Survey
Rob will provide an opportunity to learn more about the Ordnance Survey’s products, services and support that are available to your organisation through the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA). It will be a chance to hear the latest developments of the Ordnance Survey National Geographic Database (OS NGD). Including what data has already been released, as well as an update on what future data offerings and enhancements are on the horizon. It will also cover updates and improvements to existing products and services, such as OS Places API and OS MasterMap products.
Sustainable integration, making it work for you
- Luke Studden, Data Integration and Development Manager, GeoPlace
Integrating the UPRN and USRN within local authority systems is often seen as a one-off task which once done, can be left alone. Depending on the data and systems used, this is seldom the case. Instead, integrations need to be supervised and frequently audited to ensure they are sustainable and fit for purpose. Luke will outline what is meant by this and the practical steps you can take to ensure this is the case.
Luke will also cover how you can make these integrations work for you by adopting a two-way approach to obtaining address / street change intelligence and leveraging the information held in linked systems to enrich your gazetteer.
Right up your street
Richard Groombridge, Senior Strategic Product & Data Development Manager and Hazel Kamuriwo, Associate Product Manager GeoPlace
GeoPlace has developed a number of services for street data over the years to support local highway authorities in their statutory obligations. Find out more about services such as FindMyStreet and DataVia including how they might help your authority, their respective roadmaps and where to find out more. This session will also highlight the support GeoPlace offer to help local authorities integrate local systems.
Panel session questions and answers
13.00 - 14.00
Session 3: Products & services to help local government
14.00 - 14.15
Networking break – visit the virtual meeting rooms
14.00 - 14.15
Networking break – visit the virtual meeting rooms
14.15 - 15.30
Session 4: The year ahead
The year ahead from the Principal Chair
- Cathy Coelho, Principal Chair of the DCA Regional Address Group and Kerry Pearce, National Address Data Manager
- Keith Curran, Principal Chair of the DCA Regional Streets Group and Jonathan Bates, National Street Data Manager
The year ahead from GeoPlace
- Simon Barlow, Executive Director of Consultancy, GeoPlace
- Simon Bailey, Senior Strategic Relationship Manager, GeoPlace
Presentation of the Exemplar and Peer Award and Data Quality and Improvement Awards.
- Read and download details on the Exemplar Award winners page.
Open house – panel discussion - Watch the panel discussion again here
- Steve Brandwood, Executive Director of Engagement
- Jonathan Bates, National Street Data Manager
- Marisa Hayes, Local Authority Liaison Manager
- Hannah Brooks, Local Authority Liaison Manager
- Stella Loftus, Head of Support
14.15 - 15.30
Session 4: The year ahead
15.30 - 15.45
Round up and close with networking
15.30 - 15.45
Round up and close with networking
GeoPlace conference
Agenda and recordings 2022
Watch the talks from the conference. View topics and speakers from the the 2022 conference.
