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What is the DCA?

The Data Co-operation Agreement (DCA) is the legally binding agreement that underpins the creation and maintenance of GeoPlace databases. There’s an agreement covering England and Wales, and a separate agreement covering Scotland. which Is managed by the Improvement Service, but the principle in both arrangements is the same.

The DCA highlights the importance of location data, and emphasises the value of having a framework that lets the whole public sector have access to authoritative address and street spatial information. It also recognises the role of councils in the creation and source of this particular spatial information.

It’s one of the most successful shared service arrangements there’s ever been in Great Britain.

DCA documentation

The DCA documentation itself is complex. It summarises the relationships, it explains contractual arrangement and governance. It also provides information on how address and street data should be used within councils, and lists key details about GeoPlace – where to find more information and resources.


DCA Member starter pack

Welcome information for new Authority Contacts as part of the Data Co-operation Agreement




7.26 MB


4 June 2020

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DCA Member Starter Pack - 7.26 MB

The document also provides information and evidence on the benefits of well managed address and street data. Examples include:

  • underpinning location services on smartphones
  • helping emergency responders to share information more effectively 
  • enabling utilities to connect services to a new home
  • providing the mechanics for the Office for National Statistics to collect census data
  • helping packages be delivered 
  • being used by HMRC to detect fraudulent activity across tax systems
  • identifying properties suitable for sustainable energy schemes
  • underpinning the Individual Electoral Registration programme
  • helping to ensure the UK has secure, clean, affordable energy supplies
  • being used by Tell Us Once to ease the burden of reporting a bereavement
  • being used for risk assessment and underwriting by insurance companies
  • enabling the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) staff to identify and prioritise businesses for inspection 

Check out these additional resources:

The Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA)

The PSGA is a contract that defines the new Public Task model between Ordnance Survey and Her Majesty's Government (HMG). It is centrally funded. It started on April 1st 2020 (it will run for 10 years), and there are over 2,800 public sector organisations who take advantage of its benefits.

The PGSA enables any eligible public sector body to access and use high quality digital map, location and spatial data products. This includes geographic datasets from Ordnance Survey including the AddressBase® and MasterMap® range of products.

For more information about the PSGA, including membership, access to products and support, visit the Ordnance Survey website.

DCA governance resources

Information on DCA governance is here:

INSPIRE compliant view service for addresses

Ordnance Survey has released an INSPIRE compliant view service for addresses derived from AddressBase. The INSPIRE Address View serves points derived from AddressBase Premium that are representative of the central locations of addresses within Great Britain.

These address viewpoints are rendered according to the portrayal rules as defined by the INSPIRE Data Specification on Addresses. The service is free for personal, non-commercial use only. It also allows you to:

  • Register to start a free plan.
  • View the Data Specification Guidelines
  • See the terms of Service - Schedule 4

Access the service from https://developer.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/inspire-address-view.


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