When embarking on the procurement of new address or street gazetteer software, one of the many questions asked is “How can we ensure the functionality of the software we are considering meets the necessary requirements?” A seemingly simple question which opens a more complex range of things to consider specifically related to the use of software.
GeoPlace’s Procurement Criteria Suggestion tools can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. They are guidance on what should be included when developing tender questions, specially associated with software being considered.
GeoPlace has developed two sets of questions and considerations, one for Address Gazetteer software and one for Street Gazetteer software. These look at the key areas of:
- The compliance with data standards
- Exporting, importing and integration of the software
- Spatial data consumption and interoperability
- Access control within the software
- How it complies with relevant local authority policies
- Application functionality and Inferred usability
- Existing customer engagement
- Support and maintenance
- How the software works with GeoPlace.
Additionally you can download more detailed guidance notes here.

Why have these tools been developed?
These tools build on from engagement with local authorities which has helped develop the Procurement Criteria Generator and the UPRN Integration Assessment Tool, which identified that some authorities had procured software that could not consume, update, expose, and export and address data in the intended way.
One of the issues faced related directly to the criteria of requirements and specifications, where in some cases these had not been clearly defined or specified. The result being that the software procured missed or didn’t have the full functionality that was expected or required. These tools build on this theme together with broader holistic considerations of the software itself.
Who are these tools aimed at?
These tools are primarily aimed at both local authority procurement teams, and the Address and Street Custodians who will be considering and building tender specifications for the procurement of address and street gazetteers.
It is always advisable as part of the wider engagement of procuring address and street related software that the LLPG and LSG Custodians (Address and Street Custodians) are part of the process as they will have good knowledge and experience of the wider use and application of the data that these systems can and should potentially provide.
How does it work?
The tools develop a series of suggested questions and considerations to support the wider procurement process you are undertaking.
These are designed for consideration, use and adaption for the specific requirements of your own local authority. These should be in conjunction with your own processes, wider strategies, technology platforms. But also, as a wider picture of where these may fit in as part of sustainable data integrations within your local authority.
These are not a full or extensive range of questions or considerations but examples that local authorities may wish to consider, adapt, and include as part of their procurement process.
Download resources
Here are the resources described above that can be downloaded. The spreadsheets can be adapted to suit your specific requirements.
Guidance notes
Procurement Criteria Suggestions for Address and Street Gazetteer Management System (GMS) software

Streets GMS procurement criteria suggestions
Download this spreadsheet to see examples of criteria, that you can adapt to suit your own purposes.

Address GMS procurement criteria suggestions
Download this spreadsheet to see examples of criteria, that you can adapt to suit your own purposes.