We're available to support you every day.
The GeoPlace Helpdesk is available between 9.00 and 17.30 every working day (Monday to Friday). This excludes all public holidays in England. We endeavour to be as helpful and informative as we can.
There are some questions that pop up all the time.
It’s always worth checking through our FAQs below before getting in touch.
External Link
FAQs about addresses
If you're from a local authority, take a look at our FAQs in GeoGateway Address

External Link
FAQs about streets
If you're from a local authority, take a look at our FAQs in GeoGateway Address

External Link
Knowledge Hub
Join the Knowledge Hub (Khub), an online forum where you'll find helpful support from fellow members of the Custodian and SNN community.

General FAQs

Phone Helpdesk
020 7630 4602
Email Helpdesk
[email protected]
How to get in touch with a different team
There are a range of other contact details below for different areas of GeoPlace
Useful for:
To transfer to specific GeoPlace staff or business enquiries
Tel: 020 7630 4600
For data support and enquiries
Tel: 020 7630 4602 or
LLPG updates For the Submission of Change Only Updates [email protected] Health Check Exceptions
For the submission of Address Health Check exceptions
[email protected]Scorecards
To submit quarterly score cards data
[email protected]NSG team
For LSG classification information to be sent to
GeoPlace communications
General non technical related emails from GeoPlace
Training account
Training related queries and to book a course place
For all recruitment related issues
[email protected]DCA
Queries relating to the DCA contractual arrangements
[email protected]Conference and Awards
Queries about the Exemplar Awards and the GeoPlace annual conference
When do I contact Ordnance Survey, and when do I contact GeoPlace?
We thought it would be helpful to provide a quick guide on when to contact GeoPlace and when to contact Ordnance Survey. Please contact us if you aren't sure however.
Contact GeoPlace for the following: ([email protected]/020 7630 4602)
Data Cooperation Agreement (DCA) related queries and advice
Address and street data submissions
Data Entry Conventions
Data Transfer Format
Access to the NSG
ABICS (formerly NLPG supplies)
Improvement schedules
Website login and access to GeoPlace services
Data Linking
Health check and street comparison reports
Running adhoc reports on data held in the hub
Resync requests and queries
New UPRN ranges
GeoPlace Training
Contact Ordnance Survey for the following:
PSGA related queries and advice ([email protected])
Licensing and sharing data with third parties
AddressBase queries and access to data
Reporting anomalies in AddressBase products
Expanding coverage of Address data
How can I get support from Ordnance Survey?
Ordnance Survey PSGA support:
Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) support is provided by Ordnance Survey, they can assist with queries around (for example):
- Licensing, including providing data for third parties
- AddressBase products and data
- Use of UPRNs and USRNs by external parties
- Copyright statements
- OS Data Hub - the platform for accessing OS geospatial data
- Website: PSGA support website
- Email. PSGA support Services
OS Commercial Support:
- Website: Commercial support website
- Email: Customer services
- Telephone: 03456 05 05 05
What other ways can I get support?
It’s also worth checking in to the Knowledge Hub where you’ll find helpful support from fellow members of the Custodian community.
And your regional chair is also there to help – please contact us if you're not sure how to reach your Regional Chair.
Useful to know when contacting us
We use a case tracking system. This creates a new case and a new case reference number for your query, so we can prioritise responses and keep track of how to improve what we’re doing to support you.
Some points to remember:
- Every email you send to [email protected] will create a new case and new case reference number. Once your case is assigned, we’ll come back to you with a note of that reference number (by email).
- It helps us if you can keep a thread of emails going, against an existing query – rather than creating multiple cases for the same thing.
- When you call us, your phone call will also be logged as a new case
- If you have a few queries relating to different areas than please send a separate email for each one.
- And finally, please let us know – if you work for more than one local authority – which authority each query relates to.
How to call the Helpdesk
When calling the helpdesk, your phone call will be logged as a case and given a case number.
- Please help us out by telling us who you are at the start of the call, and which authority you are calling on behalf of
- You will be sent an automated case number after the call. If you need to call again about the same item, please have this case number to hand.
You can reach the Helpdesk on 020 7630 4602.
We are available between 9.00 and 17.30 every working day (Monday to Friday). This excludes all public holidays in England.
Support for Address Custodians
We can help you with queries about our documentation, DCA services, allocating new UPRNs, logging re-synchronisation requests and processing data re-supplies.
We can also help you to troubleshoot user reports. This includes support with:
- Monthly healthcheck reports
- COU reports
- Comparison reports
- Improvement Schedule reports
- Full reload and re-synchronisation reports
- Coordinate analysis reports
- Priority objects reports
- Unlinked VOA and PAF files
We can provide you with ad-hoc reports for data cleansing such as:
- Postcode comparison
- Residential with no residential cross references
- Commercial with no commercial cross references
- Residential with commercial cross references and vice versa
- UPRNs classified to just Primary or Secondary level
- Unclassified properties
- VOA lookup table BA Ref and UPRN
Other services include:
- Providing bulk update files
- Website Username/password troubleshooting
- Address Search access and administration
- FTP Upload/Download queries, including resetting passwords
- And maintaining your own FAQ
Support for Street Custodians
We can help you with queries about our documentation, DCA services, allocating new USRNs, and explaining and resolving LSG submission errors.
We can also help you to troubleshoot user reports. This includes support with:
- Monthly healthcheck reports
- Comparison reports
- Improvement Schedule reports
- ASD Reports
- Extremity points reports
Other services include:
- Producing ad-hoc reports at the request of Authorities
- Website Username/password troubleshooting
- NSG Search access and administration
- FTP Upload/Download queries, including resetting passwords
- And maintaining your own FAQ
Meet the Helpdesk team
Stella Loftus
Head of Support
Stella is a former Geography student with a BSc in Geography and Information Technology who joined GeoPlace in January 2013 after spending 8 years managing the local address gazetteer at a local authority in Kent. Here she provided systems support and GIS training to council colleagues, as well as maintaining the address gazetteer to gold standard.
With over 20 years’ experience working with address and street data, Stella is responsible for leading the GeoPlace Help Desk Team who provide a wide range of support to address and street data creators and users. She has a CMI Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership Practice and works on many projects driving improvements to the many services that GeoPlace offer. She is involved in creating content and delivering the address training courses GeoPlace offer and is focussed on providing a high level of support and customer service. This was demonstrated by being one of the finalists at the European Contact Centre and Customer Services awards in 2015 for ‘Customer Service Professional Of The Year’.
Barry Howorth
Support Specialist (Deputy to Head of Support)
Barry has over 7 years experience of working on Local Address and Street Gazetteers, as well as 3 years experience of Street Naming and Numbering. He has experience of working for both a District and a Unitary Authority. He’s been working with GeoPlace since 2012, and is a former History student with a BA(Hons) in Contemporary Military and International History.
Sara Gittens
Support Specialist (FOI Lead)
Having come from a legal background, Sara started working for Geoplace in 2013 as a Data Analyst. Her role has involved linking third party address data and ensuring that all local authority validation files are processed on a monthly basis and any necessary feedback given to Custodians. Sara joined the Helpdesk team in 2019.
Rachel Goodyear
Having come from a customer service and sales background, Rachel has been working in local authorities since 2006 and has 13 years’ experience as a Street Naming and Numbering Officer/LLPG Custodian at Shropshire Council. Rachel joined the Helpdesk Team at GeoPlace in 2022.
Ruth Jones-Davidson
Support Specialist
Ruth joined the Helpdesk Team at GeoPlace in November 2023 as a Support Specialist. She previously worked as a Street Naming and Numbering and LLPG Officer at Cheshire West and Chester Council for 5 years. Here she achieved a Platinum award for address data quality.
At GeoPlace Ruth can share her previous knowledge of using GeoGateway Services and LA Dashboard. Ruth is passionate about providing good customer service and enjoys the investigative aspect of resolving address-based enquiries.
Ruth has a BA (Hons) in Cultural Studies from University of Leeds School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies. Her interests are art, heritage sites and nature.