Bringing Location to Life - case study based on a presentation from Mary Burton, Address Management Officer, Nottingham City Council at the GeoPlace conference 2019
Tertiary classifications are the most detailed codes used to identify a property or piece of land as part of the Local Authority’s local land and property Gazetteer. Nottingham City Council had identified a deficit of more than 40,000 missing residential tertiary codes as a legacy from the original build phase of its local Gazetteer in 2001. To remedy the situation, two pieces of activity were undertaken.
GeoPlace provided a complete output of the detached class data, which was loaded into the LLPG. In addition to that bespoke file, the Address Management team made use of GIS analysis to identify the remaining missing codes. GIS analysts evaluated existing classification data from sources such as council housing stock, to identify dwelling types. They matched this data to the LLPG and then used spatial analysis techniques – exploring BLPU attributes and OS MasterMap polygons – to determine and validate the tertiary classifications.
The Address Management team’s random sampling of this data showed an accuracy level of over 90%. Validated data was then loaded into the live system, ready for use. With a 100% coverage and an improved quality of tertiary level data available, several aspects of the Local Authority’s work have been improved. Street Maintenance, for example, is being targeted far more effectively.
Nottingham City Council is in the process of adopting a national code of practice known as the ‘Well Managed Highway Infrastructure’. In adopting that code of practice, a review of street hierarchies is undertaken to assess their purpose and usage against specific criteria. With this data realised, street maintenance can then be prioritised and targeted more easily to actual road user risks. It is also a key component in court decisions in relation to the council’s compliance with good industry practice. With the tertiary classification data having been verified as complete, Nottingham City Council departments - such as Highways - can be certain that property counts and street-level analysis can be done with confidence, splitting down accurately into detailed residential, commercial and other uses.
“Thanks to GeoPlace’s input and collaboration between GIS teams, we now have the underlying tertiary classification data to provide reports and analysis with far greater confidence.”
-Mary Burton Address Management Officer, Nottingham City Council GIS Team