By Cathy Coelho is Principal Chair of the DCA Regional Address Group and Glenn Dobson is Principal Chair of the DCA Regional Streets Group

Christmas greetings to one and all, it’s that time of year again, it seems to come around quicker each year.
As your Principal Chairs Cathy and I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Xmas, Yuletide or Noel if you prefer.
This last year has once more proved challenging with quite a lot of changes in the Custodian community and we would like to thank you for all of your efforts.
We’d both like to warmly welcome new Custodians to our community and we hope that’ll you’ll benefit from our strong network of peer support.
It’s good to see that the new Geospatial Commission are seeking the views of all Custodians in regard to the place of the gazetteers in their thinking. It would further integrate the work we all do into a wider audience. Please ensure you make your opinions heard through your Regional Chairs.
We would once again like to thank those Custodians who have contributed to any of the working groups or technical groups such as the Improvement Schedules Working Group, Data Entry Conventions Working Group, Street Naming and Numbering project, as well as doing their day jobs. Without their assistance and expertise we would not be able to improve as a community as well as we do.
Thanks also to the Custodians who make up the Regional Chairs Groups and the efforts the put in to represent you all. Special thanks to our deputies Keith Curran and Ryan Gilchrist who help keep us on the straight and narrow.
So, again we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year hopefully have a nice break and hope we can all continue with the good work in 2019.
Finally, if anyone has any problems or issues they wish to raise please feel free to contact your Regional Chair or either of us as appropriate. Contact [email protected] if you need help with our contact information.
Thank you all
Cathy Coelho and Glenn Dobson
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