27 July 2015
NSG underpins government initiatives to reduce traffic congestion
The National Street Gazetteer (NSG) is a centralised unique referencing system with the fundamental aim of making the street works process more effi cient.
NSG underpins government initiatives to reduce traffic congestion - 3.67 MB

27 July 2015
Improving services and keeping authorities moving
The National Street Gazetteer (NSG) contains definitive information for streets in England and Wales. Primarily it allows local authorities to manage all streetworks carried out by themselves and by statutory undertakers in an efficient manner on the national road network.
Improving services and keeping your authority moving - 1.50 MB
27 July 2015
NSG underpins government initiatives to reduce traffic congestion
The National Street Gazetteer (NSG) is a centralised unique referencing system with the fundamental aim of making the street works process more effi cient.
NSG underpins government initiatives to reduce traffic congestion - 3.67 MB
27 July 2015
Improving services and keeping authorities moving
The National Street Gazetteer (NSG) contains definitive information for streets in England and Wales. Primarily it allows local authorities to manage all streetworks carried out by themselves and by statutory undertakers in an efficient manner on the national road network.