In the UK, every address is unique.
For addressing to work, we make it possible for the local authorities to allocate Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNS) to individual properties. The UPRNs themselves get generated here, at GeoPlace.
We give a range of UPRNs to each local authority, which allocates one to each new address as soon as ‘street naming and numbering' gets started or ‘construction' starts – whichever comes first.
This is what makes addressing so valuable. That UPRN never changes.
Unique referencing underpins our lives
Think about getting the bins emptied, or being connected to broadband. Getting a school place, finding good insurance, or – crucially – calling on the emergency services. It all depends on accurate addressing.
Addressing makes it possible to deliver services of all kinds, efficiently and effectively. And around 85% of the 700 or so services we get from local authorities depend on location.
And of course, we all need addresses to find one another.
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About addresses
Learn about the UPRN
Get to know Unique Property Reference Numbers – how they work, what they’re for.