GeoPlace aims to provide a responsive and timely service to all our customers
We will:
- treat all complaints seriously and deal with them properly
- resolve complaints promptly
- learn from complaints and where at fault, take action to improve our service.
How to make a complaint
Step 1: Contact us
We would hope that most problems could be resolved by simply getting in touch with us either by email or by telephone 020 7630 4600
All calls are logged into our Business Management System and given a call number. We will try to resolve the problem on the spot if we can. If we cannot do this, for example; because information we need is not to hand, then we will take a detailed record of your concern and arrange the best way and time for contacting you. You will be given the call reference number so that we can both log and track the incident.
The response will normally be within five working days or we will make some other arrangement acceptable to you.
Step 2: Taking your complaint further
We hope you will only feel the need to make a formal complaint as a last resort.
However, if you feel that you would like to take the matter further, and submit a formal complaint you will need to complete this form. Fill in the form and submit it, together with any supporting documentation. You should aim to provide as much relevant information as possible so that we can deal with your complaint promptly.
What happens next?
You will receive an acknowledgement from us that your complaint has been received along with your reference number and the name of the assigned GeoPlace manager responsible for following through the complaint, or the contact details of the re-assignment if the complaint has been forwarded to another organisation.
Responding to complaints
In acknowledging receipt of your complaint, we will give an indication of how long it will take to send you a detailed response. In most cases, we would aim to provide a full reply within five working days. If it proves impossible to send a detailed answer to your complaint within the time originally indicated we will contact you again explaining the reason why and to tell you when you will receive a full response.
The response will give a resume of GeoPlace's investigation into the issue; why it arose and what has been done to resolve it; whether there are procedural problems at GeoPlace and what steps have been taken to
resolve them.
Dealing with complaints
The manager responsible for the area to which your complaint relates will handle an investigation into your complaint. If the complaint is not able to be resolved at this level, it will be escalated to Nick Chapallaz, Managing Director of GeoPlace or forwarded externally to the appropriate body involved.
Formal Complaint Form
We would hope that most problems can be resolved by getting in touch with us. However, if you feel that you would like to take the matter further and make a formal complaint you should complete and submit this form